Social media is dead

Screen shot of the article about Meta

It used to be called social networking, then social media, then a billionaire bought Twitter and it went further downhill from there. Now Facebook has ditched any pretence at upholding what is true1 and gone full-on MAGA with Trump supporters appointed to the board2.

I will leave others to document the decline of the main players but I stopped using Twitter, reduced my use of Facebook and have not really used Instagram in a number of years (Meta own Facebook, Instagram, Threads and WhatsApp).

The main sites I am using for “social networking” these days are:

Site and profile linkLogo
(click to join)
MastodonPride themed logoDistributed, federated, volunteer controlled. Community orientated.Learning curve, not “popular” with non-tech masses. Limited options to move social graph.
BlueskyBluesky logoEasy to use, looks like Twitter, popular.Not distributed, all posts public. A bit “corporate” feeling.
PixelfedPixelfed logo
Easy to use, federated, distributed, a lot like instagram.Low adoption, users need to find a server to host.

I like all three of the above for different reasons but I have yet to find the killer app to replace Facebook. My friends from the UK, my family, my colleagues are all on Facebook and as a bit of a “walled garden” I feel happier posting my personal photos on the site which are not quite as public as instagram/pixelfed. I also get some information from pages, groups and events on Facebook. Most importantly I chat with my mother on Facebook messenger almost every day. As I withdraw from Meta products more and more, I will see how important each of these are – it may end up just as a messenger or I may find a way to transition my mother onto a different chat app.

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Social media is dead
Categorized as General

By Matthew Guy

An Englishman in New Scotland. Links to all my social network accounts at Follow my posts from the RSS feed


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