U.S. imposes tariffs

What a truly strange weekend. I guess everything is strange since that man won the U.S. election. It is worse than we feared with diversity programs being blamed for a plane crash, attacks made against trans people and "revenge" being sought against people doing their jobs. And this weekend (in week 2 of the administration… Continue reading U.S. imposes tariffs

Social media is dead

It used to be called social networking, then social media, then a billionaire bought Twitter and it went further downhill from there. Now Facebook has ditched any pretence at upholding what is true1 and gone full-on MAGA with Trump supporters appointed to the board2. I will leave others to document the decline of the main… Continue reading Social media is dead

Categorized as General

Winter has arrived

It took some time and we had a very mild fall and early winter but I just looked back on the photos on my phone for the last week and apart from the obligatory puppy pics, it is all weather. Snow, snow, snow. Although we have had some rain too, it is not as photogenic.