Humanity in traffic chaos

I was stuck in the mess that was traffic in Halifax on Thursday when the truck fell off the bridge onto the highway below. It took me 3.5 hours to drive from Bridgewater to Truro. Crawled through Halifax but just as we came across the intersection where the accident occurred an ambulance needed to get… Continue reading Humanity in traffic chaos

5 ways to support progressive candidates in elections

If you are in Canada and want to help progressive candidates: Donate some money! Winning elections costs lots of money. At tax time you can get generous tax credits which means it only costs you about 25% of the contribution. This is the best way you can support progressive candidates. Volunteer - knock doors, make… Continue reading 5 ways to support progressive candidates in elections

Windy week

Windy week with two power outages (power cuts as we called them in the UK). The weather has been very unseasonable for January - earlier today we walked the dog in sunshine and six degrees and there is no snow on the grass in our back garden. Last night's power outage started at 9:38pm and… Continue reading Windy week