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Author: Matthew Guy
An Englishman in New Scotland. Links to all my social network accounts at
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Bill Morneau
Back to Acadia University this evening to hear the Honourable Bill Morneau speak. I think I probably asked the cheekiest question - but that's me. #cdnpoli #canpol #cdnpol #canpoli
Turn the radio on
If you use Amazon Alexa speakers I heartily recommend the radio app Radio Browser which is an Alexa "skill". It takes the list of radio stations from and so lists many that are not normally available regionally (and you can add your own like I did for CBC Halifax) #radio #alexa #TuneInAlternative #amazon… Continue reading Turn the radio on
Urban Snow
Three years ago I got to experience my first "urban snow" since being in Canada - there is nowhere for it to go... so it just mushes around going brown from the traffic. It was yucky. My office was in the Justice Building. #ParliamentHill #Ottawa #UrbanSnow
Truro on US TV…
It's not unusual to have a mention of Nova Scotia on a movie or TV show but Truro, Nova Scotia... they weren't very nice about us in the context of the plot of Blacklist. Q. Where's my money? A. If I had it do you think I would be in Nova Scotia? Ouch. Looks a… Continue reading Truro on US TV…
My weekend read
I enjoyed it more than the Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. Listen to your emotions and practice Radical Emotional Acceptance (REA) and drop your "F*ck Shields" : #REA #Books #SelfImprovement #Therapy #EmotionalIntelligence #Emotions #RadicalEmotionalAcceptance