
I have used Facebook messenger, Telegram, Signal but for many different reasons, I have tried to move to both Matrix and XMPP based services. XMPP can be a little tricky, so I made this little video for a family member showing how you would setup a new account in Monal. Video showing how to… Continue reading Chat?

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If you have an XMPP account and you want to contact me, please click here.If not you can contact me on Telegram or use Mastodon or my contact page.

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Storm preparedness information

Copied from Councillor Waye Mason (link at bottom) All of these suggestions are made recognizing not everyone has the equipment/appliances/resources to act on all of these ideas.  These ideas are presented for you to “do as you are able”. Clean: Do laundry, especially kids’ clothes, towels, and underwear Make sure all your dishes are done… Continue reading Storm preparedness information